Hardcore is the energy that keeps me alive. It has been in my life for over 15 years. It’s the first place that I found love outside my family. It’s passion, emotion, energy, loyalty, and reality. It’s one of the last places on earth where eye for an eye still holds true. We are our own judge and jury. It’s one of very few places where you can actually make a difference with the youth of today.
I’m not the most positive person, but I do see the good in things. If I didn’t have hardcore who knows what kind of piece of shit I would have turned into. It has been the greatest outlet for my anger and emotion. You can do so much in hardcore to contribute and take part to make it your own. You can’t do that with most walks of life.
Hardcore has introduced me to 99% of my friends. It has shown me love in the farthest corners of the world. Sweden, Guatemala, Japan, Australia, UK, France, Canada, Mexico, Holland, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Spain…I could go to any one of those places and feel at home thanks to hardcore.
All the time I hear young kids say hardcore is dead, it’s not like it used to be. It goes in phases cuz we have to cycle out the fakes and posers. I would rather there be less people who care than tons of people with no heart. I could almost say that I like today’s hardcore more than the early days. The music is amazing, it is so accessible and touring and being heard has never been easier. If I ever have children I will definitely try to pass this onto them.
CIA, April '08