Sunday 6 April 2008

Justin Moulder

Hardcore is, was and always will be important to me for a lot of reasons. Its cliche to say that it changed my life and that I wouldn't be where I am with out it.

In my case its true. I wouldn't be married to a beautiful and amazing woman, wouldn't have the most beautiful kid you'll ever see and friends? Man, I can't imagine the morons I'd be friends with if I were not into the core.

I can remember many late nights in diners with friends in various locales, looking around at the people that were at parties all night and thinking, those dudes have no idea what they are missing and laughing about it all.
Hardcore is like a small social club of sorts for me, not in the frat boy sense but in the way we are in on a secret that a lot of people cannot fathom. If they only knew what kind of fun we had, the cross the world friends we've made. This would almost certainly be over for us. And though I don't go to shows really anymore and I am not into a lot of the current bands as much I used to be, it will always be not just what I do. Its who I am. And you know what?

I would not have it any other way.
J.Moulder, April 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. i'll definitely comeback to read more of your nifty post. Kudos!